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  • Writer's pictureThe Shields Group


Everyone remembers where they were on the morning of September 11th, 2001. It is a day in our lives that we will never forget, and every year when the dreaded date rolls around, the sadness in the air is palpable.

One of the most uplifting things you can do when you're feeling down is to do good and help others. Communities Foundation of Texas for Business has given us a way to turn a negative into a positive and make a HUGE impact on our North Texas community on this day. "Freedom Day" is a community wide initiative that allows thousands of people to participate in veteran-benefiting volunteer projects all over the metroplex. Veterans, companies, and individuals of all walks of life come together to give back to veterans and those whose lives were forever changed by the tragic events of 9/11.

For CFT4B's Freedom Day 2018, The Shields Group teamed up with D Magazine, Westwood Holdings, EarthWater, and InSource Group to give back to one of our favorite charities - Heart House Dallas. Heart House is an organization that helps underprivileged and refugee children go from a state of chaos to an oasis of calm. Heart House provides a safe place for these children to learn, play, and receive necessary therapies and support.

The Shields Group team spent September 11th and September 15th giving the Heart House clubhouse at the Stratford Hill Apartments in Dallas a fresh new look! Research has shown that certain colors help children feel calm and at ease, so tranquil grays, blues, greens and pinks were carefully selected for the paint colors.

We look forward to Freedom Day every year because not only does it give us an opportunity to give back to our community, it brings our team together on a whole new meaningful level.

Thank you CFT4B for another incredible year! To learn how you or your company can participate in next year's Freedom Day, please visit


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